Substancje chemiczne dozwolone do tworzyw sztucznych przeznaczonych do wytwarzania opakowań żywności w świetle ustawodawstwa Unii Europejskiej
Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig 2000;51(3):241-249


In the EU countries the use of the chemical substances for plastics intended to come into contact with foodstuffs is regulated by Directive 89/109/EEC and the several specific Directives. Positive list s of the chemical substances for plastics intended to manufacturing of food packaging are placed in Directive 90/128/EEC on plastics materials. This 90/128/EEC Directive so-called „Monomer Directive” has been amended five times by Directives 92/39/EEC, 93/9/EEC, 95/3/EC, 96/ll/EC and 99/91/EC. Directive 90/128/EEC so-called „Monomer Directive” provides: list of monomers and other starting substances that can be used in the manufacture of plastics materials and articles, placed in two Sections (A and B), and list of additives initiated from Directive 95/3/EC. Other additives will be added to this list on the basis of their positive national regulatory status in the EU countries . and limits of migration (global, specific) According to the EU legislation all the substances before placing on the positive lists are the evaluated and authorised by the scientific bodies (SCF and/or JECFA). The EU legislation on the plastics materials and articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs will be implemented into Polish law. However all the regulations relating to the chemical substances and limits of migration (global and specific) are already accepted by the National Institute of Hygiene.

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