Ocena jakości zdrowotnej mleka koziego
Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig 1996;47(3):295-301


The work contains results of determinations of protein, fat, lactose, vitamin С and minerals: Ca, P, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Na, K, Cl as well as toxic metals like Hg, Cd and Pb in goat milk. The nonmineral components were determined by general approved analytical methods. Minerals like Ca, P, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Na, K, Cd and Pb were determined by the flame ASA method and mercury by „cold vapour” technique. Chloride were determined by Mohr method and phosphorus as phosphates by colorometric method with ammonium molybdate. Mean percentage content of protein, fat, lactose and ash were: 3,2 (range 2,7 - 3,7); 3,9 (3,2 - 6,5); 4,1(3,9 - 4,9); 0,87(0,84 - 1,00) respectively. Mean content of ascorbic acid amounted 0,53 mg/100 g (range 0,19 - 1,42), and the content of minerals were as follows: Ca 130 (range 102 - 150); P 127 (115 - 151); Mg 14,1 (12,6 - 16,3); Mn 0,026(0,019 - 0,037); Cu 0,04 (0,02 - 0,08); Zn 0,54 (0,40 - 1,25); Fe 0,047(0,020 - 0,097); Na 42,4(20,8 - 59,5); К 163(138 - 190); Cl 168(128 - 180). The levels of toxic metals were mostly below the allowable limits, mercury from 3,8 to 14,5 µg/kg, cadmium < 0,01 µg/kg- In the case of lead a 40 % of investigated samples were above the allowable limits.

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