Bilans magnezu i żelaza oraz ich zawartość w narządach i płynach ustrojowych szczurów poddanych suplementacji węglanem magnezu
Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig 2000;51(4):403-415


Effect of magnesium on iron and magnesium metabolism in rats were investigated. 96 male Wistar rats were divided into four groups received 2,5; 5,0 and 10,0 mg magnesium daily per kg of body weight - dissolved in 2% - solution of arabie gum (tests groups) or clear 2% - solution of arabie gum (test group) for 4 weeks and the next 4 weeks without supplements. Iron concentrations increased in the brain and kidney of the experimental rats, but decreased in the spleen, intestine and liver (2 and 4 weeks only) also in the heart and femur (only 8 week). Percentage of iron retention decreased during the whole experiment. Magnesium concentrations increased in the spleen, liver and intestine of rats. It was shown that at 8 weeks of experiment the magnesium level of heart and femur decreased (only groups received 2,5 mg and 5,0 mg Mg/kg b.w./24 h), but in group received 10,0 mg Mg/kg b.w./24 h increased for all experiment. The apparent retention of magnesium increased in start of the experiment. This results show that oral magnesium supplementation disturbs metabolism of these elements, especially balance of iron.

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