Rodzice w ocenie uczniów pierwszych klas liceów ogólnokształcących
Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig 1995;46(1):99-102


In cooperation with the workers of the Province Sanitary-Epidemiological Stations in Bydgoszcz, Gdańsk, Koszalin, Cracow, Łódź, Poznań and Wroclaw an inquiry study was carried out of 839 stu­dents (517 girls and 322 boys) of the first classes of secondary schools, of whom 518 attended state schools and 321 attended schools run by non-governmental agencies. Since no statistically significant differences were found between girls and boys and between both types of schools, the results are Presented for the whole studied population. Only 57% of the students regarded that in difficult situations they could rely on help and support °f their parents; 55% considered that a mutual understanding enisled between them and their Parents; 7% described their relations with their parents as bad; 47 regarded their home atmosphere as calm and serene; 9% reported their families as contankerous; in 6% of the families quarrels between parents were frequent, and 15% of the students experienced such quarrels as particularly depressing, with 38% of girls and 14% of boys ruminating them even during lessons. Of interest were the data concerning spending of leisure time with parents. Time was spent with parents on school-days by 20% of the responders, and on Saturday and Sunday by 34%. On the other hand, time was not spent with parents on school-days by 37%, and during weekends by 16%. On weekdays 26% of female students from state-run schools and 12% of those from other schools spent the leisure time with their parents. Only 55% of the responding boys considered that the time spent with parents was sufficient.

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