Ocena obciążeń zajęciami szkolnymi i pozalekcyjnymi uczniów publicznych i niepublicznych liceów ogólnokształcących
Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig 1995;46(4):427-432


The studies were performed on 825 school children (512 girls and 313 boys) from 1-st ans 2-nd  classes of secondary schools in some voievodship capital cities. 406 school children were from public,  and 419 from non public schools.  432 E. Polus-Szeniawska Nr 4  The questionnaire prepared in the Institute for Children and Youngsters Institute in Berlin was  used in this study. The evaluation of collected responses made possible to state the following  conclusions:  
The organization of school and out school activities in public and non public schools was  incorrect in several aspects ie. incorrect from the hygienic point of view organization of classes during  day, too early beginning of the classes, too late ending of the classes in some week days, too long time  needed to complete homework, and too late return to home after completing out school activities.  The difficulties in homework completing were stated by school children from both public and non  public schools. In 52% cases the parents helped in homework and 12% of children reported private  lessons as an additional help in homework.  
The analysis of responses concerning frame of mind of school children showed better situation  of pupils from non public schools. Only 15% of non public school children expressed reluctancy  towards schools, as compared to 21% from public schools.  
The realtionships between pupils and teachers did not worsened during consecutive years in non  public schools, as opposite to public schools where the worsening of these relationships during the  consecutive years was evident.

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