Niektóre właściwości farmakodynamiczne wody „Marysieńka” ze źródła w Cieplicach-Zdroju
Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig 1998;49(2):213-218


On the ground of the performed experimental investigations it has been shown that the „Marysieńka” water, given to rats intragastrically in a single daily dose of 14,3 cm3/kg body weight for the spans of 20 and 40 days and in the some spans of time as drinking water ad libitum, causes a statistically significant decrease of the levels of total cholesterol, total lipids, triglycerides, and an increase of the HDL fraction of cholesterol. Within the range of the investigated parameters of electrolytic economy a statistically significant fall of the level of calcium and decrease tendencies of sodium, magnesium and increase tendencies of potassium in the blood serum of the examined animals could be observed. After 20 days of the administration of the investigated water both intragastrically in a single daily dose of 14,3 cm3/kg body weight and in the animals that were receiving that water as drinking water ad libitum a marked compensated metabolic acidosis was observed. A long-lasting exposition of the rats (40 days) to that water may lead to the rise of compensated metabolic alkalosis. No essential influence of the studied water on the indicators of protein and carbohydrate metabolism and on the morphological composition of the peripheral blood and its smear was noted. The studied water shows no cholagogic effect in guinea-pigs, nor any diuretic effect in rats.

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