Energy value and frequency breakfast intake in Warsaw primary schools
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Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig 2000;51(3):279-290


Energy value and frequency breakfast intake in Warsaw primary schools were estimated in a group of 330 children aged 7-15 years. The research was carried out in autumn 1998 year. The nutrition mode was assessed by questionnaire interviews and of 24-hour recall [4] and computer programme „Żywienie”. The size of the consumed portion was determined with an album containing colour photographs of products and dishes of different size [14]. Food consumption quality was estimated using test of Bielińska modified by Kulesza et al. [8]. Frequency breakfast intake decreased at older schoolchildren. Breakfast milk and products, vegetables and fruits intake was too low; intake of fat sweets and beverages like „coca-cola” was too high. Breakfast energy value was too low compared with recommended dietary allowances.

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