Indoor radon 222Rn of Świeradów Zdrój and Czerniawa Zdrój
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Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig 2000;51(3):291-298


Świeradrow Zdroj and Czemiawa Zdroj are located in Region Izera Block. A total of 789 radon passive dosimeters were distributed in 183 dwellings in these town Świeradow Zdroj and Czerniawa Zdroj to measure the indoor radon concentration in 1999. Three - five measurements were performed in each dwelling, one in the basement, and the others in the main bedroom, in the kitchen, in thz bathroom, since these rooms are the most frequently occupied. In addition, the occupants of each dwelling were requested to answer a questionnaire in which a number of questions about the building, ventilation habits and other related aspects were formulated. A charcoal detectors (Pico-Rad system) were used in experiment. It is a passive short-term screening method of radon gas concentration measurements. The indoor radon level was found to range from 14,8 Bq/m3 to 5 723,9 Bq/m3. The arithmetic mean overall indoor concentration was 420,4 Bq/m3 and the geometric mean was 159,7 Bq/m3. The average concentration of indoor radon, which reflects the real risk for inhabitants, is 193,5 Bq/m3. The results hand a log-normal distribution. a 2 In Poland, an action level of 400 Bq/m was recommended for existing buildings and 200 Bq/m for newly built (after 1.01.1998) buildings. In about 23 % rooms the level of Rn-222 were above the top limit of 400 Bq/m3. The highest average concentrations were present in a basement (mean 919,9 Bq/m3). A decrease of average activity were observed at the upper levels: at the ground floor (225,2 Bq/m3) , at the first floor and at the higher floors (137,6 Bq/m3). The above results indicate that radon emission from the ground provides the main contribution to the radon concentration measured in dwellings indoors in Świeradow Zdroj and Czerniawa Zdroj. The effective dose to the population of the Świeradow Zdroj and Czemiawa Zdroj from indoor radon and its progeny can be derived from this data if we use an equilibrium factor of 0,4 between radon and its progeny and assuming an indoor occupation index of 0,8. Taking into account that a conversion coefficient of 1,1 mSv per mJ h m 3 is recommended in ICRP 65 for members of public, the measured average annual dose is then about 3,3 mSv per year.

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