Peer-review in the journal Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny - Annals of the National Institute of Hygiene follows a
double blind peer-review process.
The review form is available to reviewers after logging into the Editorial System.
Guidelines for Reviewers
- Reviewers help the editor in making decisions about the reviewed manuscript, whether it should be accepted in its current form, requires correction or should be rejected.
- Reviewers are asked to assess the scientific value of the manuscript and provide comments and recommendations of the manuscript they have reviewed.
- Reviewers should be objective and give constructive and clear comments to the manuscript to help authors improve their manuscript.
- Reviewers should not reveal their identity in the review to the author.
- Reviewers must always maintain confidentiality and not use information gained from reviewed manuscript for their own benefit.
- Reviewers should disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may be considered biased against the author or article.
- The standards and recommendations of the Committee on Publishing Ethics (COPE) guidelines should be followed by reviewers.