Evaluation of cadmium food intake in Polish households in years 1993-1997
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Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig 2000;51(3):269-277


The studies on cadmium food intake in years 1993-1997 were carried out in six types of households i.e. workers, worker-farmers, farmers, pensioners and retired, self-employed households and families maintaining themselves on non-income sources. Using household budget data and „Tables of trace elements in food products” mean and maximum food intake of cadmium was calculated and compared to provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) taking into consideration main sources of them. The obtained results indicated that the mean cadmium food intake did not exceed PTWI value but maximum intake of one was 38% higher than PTWI. Cadmium intake depended on type of household being highest at farmers, pensioners and retired persons. The main food sources of cadmium were: cereals supplied 43% of one, vegetables and their products supplied 30% cadmium and meat products supplied 15%.

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