Nutrition of children at preschool age. General consideration and assessment of children nutrition
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Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig 2000;51(4):385-392


Results of the study performed between June 1999 and January 2000 on dietary assessment of 822 pre-school children (age 3-7) showed that majority of children regularly consumed the main meals: breakfast, dinner and supper. The habit of snacks eating between the meals was observed in 91% of children. The presence and structure basic products in analysed children diets (milk, fermented milk products, fats, fish, whole grain bread, juices) was different. About 87% reported drinking of milk, 75% - yoghurt or other fermented milk products, 97% - fruit juices including nectar, water - 42%. The main fat used to spreading on bread was butter. Fish products recommended as a source of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids were still not eaten by 23% of children. Whole grain bread was consumed daily only in 8% children. The study also showed that the diets included products being the source of unfavourable fatty acids (chips, sweet bars, cookies, hard margarine) and excess of saccharose (sweets, lollipops, chewing gum). The results of the study showed the permanent need of the dissemination of dietary recommendations for children at pre-school age.

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