Evaluation of the pharmacodynamic properties of medium-mineralized alkaline water designed for distribution as bottled natural mineral water
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Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig 2000;51(4):379-384


Basing on the carried-out investigations it has been shown that the alkaline water from „Paproć” source in Tymbark indicates a biological activity. Applied in rats orally, in an appropriate dose through the period of 30 days, it causes a statistically significant increase of the pH of urine and blood, of the level of uric acid in urine and a statistic lowering of the levels of calcium and potassium in the blood serum. The investigated water shows diuretic activity, neutralizes and inhibits gastric juice secretion in people, affects the peristaltic movements of the smooth muscles of the small intestine of the rabbit. No effect of that water on the elements of the protein metabolism, the fat metabolism, on the smear and the morphological composition of the peripheral blood of rats, on the excretion of bile in guinea pigs has been observed.

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