Statement of the Committee of Human Nutrition Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences on the use of dietary supplements containing vitamins and minerals by adults
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Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig 2021;72(3):321-326

The use of dietary supplements (supplementation) is the individual enrichment of the diet with ingredients naturally occurring in food. As a rule, dietary supplements should be used periodically. In nutritional practice, there are many indications for dietary supplementation, but the decision to take dietary supplements should be made by consumers wisely and only in justified situations, when there is a risk that the usual diet does not provide vitamins and minerals in an amount adequate to meet dietary recommendations. However, we should remember about the real dangers of taking too large doses of vitamins and minerals. Many people using dietary supplements, especially several types at the same time, may experience undesirable side effects and deterioration of health, and in addition, people taking medicines may seriously disrupt or weaken the effect of the drug, or even lack the therapeutic effect of the drug. The document presents 10 steps and rules for the use of dietary supplements available on the market, which are addressed to the general population.

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