Organochlorine pesticide residues in te
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Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig 2000;51(2):129-134


Organochlorine pesticides still exist as environmental pollutants in many countries. In this paper, the results of monitoring of organochlorine pesticides in teas taken from the Polish market in 1998 year are presented. The monitoring included analysis of organochlorine insecticides and their metabolites (SDDT, ZHCH, HCB, Heptachlor, Epoxide heptachlor, and Aldrin) in samples of black and green tea, and fruit tea. The mean concentration of the organochlorine compounds in the black tea ranged from 0,0002 to 0,003 mg/kg of product, and in the green and fruit teas from 0,0001 to 0,003 mg/kg of product depending on the pesticide. In no case the violation of the Maximum Residues Limits was observed. The results obtained in this monitoring did not differ from the results reported by the other authors.

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