Heavy metals in soils of allotment gardens in industrialized post-flooded areas in Opole region
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Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig 2003;54(2):137-144

Celem pracy była ocena poziomów chromu, cynku, kadmu, miedzi, niklu i ołowiu w glebach ogródków działkowych i przydomowych uprzemysłowionych terenów popowodziowych województwa opolskiego. Badania prowadzone w dwóch kolejnych latach 2000 i 2001 wykazały tendencję zmniejszania się zawartości chromu, kadmu i cynku w badanych glebach natomiast w przypadku ołowiu i miedzi wzrostu ich poziomów w drugim roku badań.


The results of studies concerning the levels of heavy metals (chromium, zinc, cadmium, nickel and lead) in soils of allotment gardens in post-flooded industrialized areas of the Opole Region, conducted during the period 2000-2001 were presented. Spectrophotometric method was applied for the determination of heavy metals in soils. The results of the study show that the levels of chromium, zinc and cadmium in the soils examined are constantly decreasing. However, an opposite phenomenon is observed with respect to copper and lead, where an increase was noted in the number of samples exceeding the maximum allowable concentration of these metals during the second year of the study. This suggests that there exist local sources of contamination with the above-mentioned elements.

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