Changes in rats liver in late period of intoxication with chlorphenvinphos in single dose
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Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig 1998;49(3):313-319


The present investigation was undertaken to study the effect of chlorphenvinphos on the activity of liver enzymes in acute poisoning with this compound. The investigation was caried out on male Wistar rats. The animals received oil - control group and oil solution of chlorphenvinphos in dose 0,5 or 0,1 LD50- the examined group intragastrically. Material for examination was collected in the 48 h after intoxication. Activity of GOT and GPT in a serum, cytosolic and mitochondrial fractions of liver; BGR and AcP in a serum and lysosomal fraction of liver, ChE in a serum and concentration of lactate in the cytosolic fraction of liver were assayed. It can be concluded that in the 48 h after intoxication with chlorphenvinphos, activity of ChE was normalized in the case of lower dose and has such tendency in the case of higher dose. The changes of other assayed parameters in the serum and liver homogenate indicates that in this period of study, the liver is in point of no return.

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