Determination of nitrates and nitrites in daily food rations of adults
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Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig 1999;50(3):299-306


During the research work the contents of nitrates and nitrites in whole day’s food of adults were examined. The study were carried out in February 1996. In the evaluation of the degree of expsure highest permissible daily intake was considered of nitrites ( 0,2 mg NaN02) and nitrates (5 mg KNO3) for one kg of body weight, and the assumed average body weight was 60 kg for adults. The contents of nitrites and nitrates were determined spectrophotometrically of the basis of Griess reaction. Nitrate was determined colorimetrically using sulphanic acid and N-l- naphtylethylene- diamine. The quantity of collected nitrates and nitrites in whole day’s food oscillates between 69,5 and 737,5 mg KNO3 and the average quantity is 304,55 mg KNO3. The quantity of collected nitrites is in the average 1,8 - 8,4 mg NaN02, and the average quantity is 4,39 mg NaN02.

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