Quality assurance in the food microbiology laboratories
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Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig 1996;47(4):359-369


In the paper the quality assurance system in food microbiology laboratories to ensure the reliability of the analytical data are discussed. To introduce quality assurance system in the laboratory all activities such as sampling, method selection, laboratory environment, equipment, reagents and media, staff, reference materials, internal quality control and external quality control (proficiency testing) that effect on the results must be documented and controlled. The kind of food sample, condition and time of storage before analysis and proper selection of methodology have significant influence on the result of the microbiological analysis. Equipment used to carry out the test must work properly. Implementation of the internal and external quality control to the routine work of the food microbiology laboratory means that the production of the results is under control and that the data are reliable. If the quality assurance system is properly implemented and well documented it makes the base for the laboratory to get the accreditation.

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