Distribution of chlorophenols in water environment
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Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig 1996;47(2):181-195


The purpose of this study was to establish the distribution of the selected chlorophenols o f point (2,4-DCF, 2,6-DCF, 2,4,5-TCF and 2,3,6-TCF) and nonpoint origin (2,4,6-TCF,2,3,4,6-TeCF and PCF) under conditions simulating the environment of river and distilled water and laboratory water ecosystem. The distribution process developed in accordance with the kinetic equation of 1st order, the average degradation half-time at 20°C amounted: model of river - 23, 58,-76, 92 days, and model of distilled water - 36, 53-47 , 25 days. The rate degradation in river and distilled water indicates that the river water microoraganisms have no influence on the degradation of determined compounds. When the microflora had been adapted to the presence of chlorophenols the process of degradation was as rule more rapid both investigated temperatures (200C and 70C). This process was slowed down by temperature fall to about 7°C. The mixture of chlorophenols at concentration of 10 and 50 µg/l when exposed for 20 days to water ecosystem under dynamic conditions, was found to be reduced up 13%. Chlorophenols were not absorbed by Elodea canadensis and Physa fortinalis and weakly by Lebistes reticulatus (cumulation coefficients - 0,42-30,27). In the case residual DCP and TCP -weakly (4,71 -4 6 ,2 3 µg/kg). The investigated concentrations of chlorophenols didn't exert positive effect on the aquatic biocenosis (except Lebistes reticulatus), settled in the ecosystem.

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