Levels of total mercury in scalp hair of children and youth from the selected rural area of Lublin district
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Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig 1999;50(1):49-55


The total mercury content in the hair of 195 children and youth aged 4 - 1 5 years was determined using mercury analyzer AMA 254 (ALTEC - Czech Republic). The examined idividuals lived on the rural area of south-east Lublin district. The analysis of the results did not revealed essential differences in the mean concentrations of mercury according to sex, age, colour of hair and dental amalgam fillings. There was found that average hair mercury level was higher in the group often consuming fish, mushrooms, pluck and giblets compared with the group prefering another kind of diet. The same conclusion was drawn in relation to the exposed and non-exposed to cigarette smoke groups.

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