Monitoring of pesticides residues in food in Poland
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Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig 1998;49(3):331-339


In this paper, the results of monitoring of pesticide residues in food products are reported for the 3 years period 1995-1997. The monitoring included analysis of organochlorine compounds (DDT and its metabolites - DDD and DDE, HCH isomers a, p and у, HCB and PCBs), pyrethroids and dithiocarbamates in variety of food products such as: milk and milk products, food for infants and children, fish products, potatoes, domestic fruit and vegetables, citrus and exotic fruits, which were taken from the market. The samples were collected from 15 regions of Poland. Mean values of IDDT and IHCH in food products of animal origin, including children foods, were much lower comparing with those, reported in previous years. Only few samples analyzed had violative residues exceeding Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) for these compounds. In none of food samples of plant origin, organochlorine compounds residues exceed Polish tolerances. The residues of synthetic pyrethroids were detected in none of tested samples of potatoes. Mean concentrations of dithiocarbamate pesticides in fruit and vegetables were higher than observed at the beginning of 1990s. In five samples of leaf and stem vegetables, the detected levels of dithiocarbamates exceed or were equal to MRLs.

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