The place and role of the health promotion in oncology
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Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig 1996;47(4):431-437


At the present time, groups people who live with chronic illness or outcome of medical intervention eliminated the disease process are in greater and greater number. It concerns cancer-patients and their life- complication too. Innovative approaches towards to health promotion in this field is actual and important. Recent research documents a number of cases of the effectivnes of psychooncological intervention and social support on the clinical course of cancer and help prolong life. Actual experience and results of psychosocial programmes, to stress-inhibition, quality of life, physical well-being (so long as possible), in the context a categorization of target groups of cancer patients, course of disease, medical treatment and relation of health promotion to cancer prevention problems, were discussed. It was partially estimated in relation to problems of health promotion concerning cancer-patients in Poland.

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