Nitrilotriacetic acid - properties, environmental distribution and transformation Part II. Ecotoxicity and biodegrability
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Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig 1996;47(3):247-256


The results are described of studies on the effects of NTA on aqueous organisms and crops. The results show that NTA at concentrations determined in natural water systems causes no disturbances of the equilibrium in ecosystems. The conditions of the NTA biodegradation process in communal sewage and in surface waters and the effects of the processes taking place in water treatment systems destined for providing drinking water on NTA degradation are described. In a summary of the results of monitoring studies conducted in countries where NTA has been accepted for widespread use in washing powders the problems are stressed which will require solving before the decision is made of permission of NTA use in Poland. As of now, there are no full data making possible permission of using NTA in products of household chemistry.

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