The adaptive response induced by ionising radiation in mice peripheral blood reticulocytes
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Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig 1997;48(3):239-244


An in vivo micronucleus assay in mice reticulocytes of peripheral blood for identifying the possibility of induction of adaptive response to various doses of radiation: 2,5 cGy or 5,0 cGy as adapting and 50 cGy or 100 cGy as challenging doses was performed. The most effective inhibition of frequency appearance of micronucleus in RETs of mice (i.e. adaptive response) takes place et the following experimental conditions: 5,0 cGy as adaptive dose and 50 cGy challenging dose. The interval between them were 4 hours. The maximum inhibition of frequency of micronucleus was et 24 h sampling time after exposure of challenging dose. This reduction was statistically significant (p<0,05; p<0,01 - chi square test).

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