Organic cytotoxicity of some policyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in mic
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Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig 1997;48(1):13-21


The cytotoxic effects of some PAHs: DMBA, 3-MC and B(a)P on the lymphatic organs, liver and kidney of mice have been investigated. These PAHs in doses of 100 mg/kg were dissolved in 0,5 ml 20% DMSO and were given intraperitoneally in female mice Balb/c. After 7 days, organs weight, cellularity in lymphoid organs and tissue structure of liver and kidney were analyzed. The greatest effect of DMBA was observed on cellularity of spleen. 3-MC and B(a)P caused significant hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic changes. 3-MC induced focal destruction of hepatocytes and sometimes - irregular mitotic figures (c-mitosis). After B(a)P administration in liver cells were mainly observed the changes in distribution of interphase nucleolar organizer region (AgNOR). In kidney - irregular glomeruli and tubuli after 3-MC and B(a)P were noted. The above results may indicate that the cytotoxic effects of PAHs depend on the type of compound administered.

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