Suitability of the direct potentiometric method with and ion-selective electrode for determination of iodide ions in iodized table salt
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Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig 1998;49(4):457-462


The usefulness of the direct potentiometric method with an ion-selective electrode for determination of iodide ions in the iodised table salt was checked. The changes in the EJ-01 iodide electrode potential versus the concentration of Г ions in water solutions of potassium iodide and different amounts sodium chloride were studied. On the basis of the electrode calibration curves the ranges of detectability and correct determination as well as the sensitivity of the electrode were established. The studies were performed in solutions of natural iodised table salt with and without and internal standard. The results have proved that this method is unsuitable for determination of the content of J ions in the commonly used iodised table salt.

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