Abiotic and biotic transformation of persistent organochlorine compounds in the environment
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Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig 1995;46(3):279-292


The presence of persistent organochlorine compounds in the environment is defined as being ofanthropogenic origin. They are the result of intentional production (pesticides, solvents, dielectric andhydraulic fluids, flame retardants etc.) as well as they are produced as   nintentional by-products frommany processes (incineration, pulp and paper production, use and production of chlorinated aro matic chemicals and PVC).

Nowadays, they are recognized as one of the major classes of the contaminants in the environment because of their wide distribution and a high capacity to bioaccumulate in organisms – especially in higher levels of the trophic food chain. They have been also claimed to cause adverse effects on organisms and human.

In the paper, the main classes o f chlorinated hydrocarbons are presented, including pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls and dioxins. The proposed degradative pathways - abiotic (photolysis, hydrolysis) as well as biotic (biotransformation by microorganisms and higher organisms, including human) are reviewed on the basis of current literature.

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